

I am grateful for many things – not the least of which is my membership in my sorority, Sigma Delta Tau. I rushed my freshman year and was a sister of SDT for the rest of my 4 years at college. Now, I don’t want to brag, but no girls on campus came close to how cool my sisters were. While some might argue that other sororities were blonder, nicer, sportier, more diverse… My sorority was unapologetically themselves. We were notoriously the most “chill” sorority: our dues were the cheapest, we had the best merch (designed by sisters), and we had the least requirements to remain active. Ironically, we earned that reputation while our colors remained old blue and cafe au lait (navy and cream/yellow, not the most exciting) and our mascot was the teddy bear. Since teddy bears are a little boring, somewhere along the line our chapter had adopted the Grateful Dead dancing bears as our *preferred* mascot. I always thought that was the coolest, and my sorority’s obsession with these bears inspired me to start listening to the band and to do the design work you see now.


I’ve been obsessed with the geometric style since before I even became professionally interested in graphic design. The background on my phone has been a colorful geometric fox for literally months. I was actually on a plane a few weeks ago on the way back to Miami from visiting Wisconsin, talking to my neighbor about design, when he asked if I had made my phone background. I hadn’t, but I totally could! This is how I figured it out:

I didn’t get along with all of my sisters, but I definitely made a few close friends. The bigger part of why I loved being in a sorority was because it allowed me to join other organizations that helped me to discover who I was as a person. As a sister of SDT, I earned positions as Greek Week PR Chair, GAMMA (Greeks Advocating the Mature Management of Alcohol) PR Chair and eventually President, and was a Rho Gamma (a recruitment leader) for two years. For all of my leadership roles, I was even tapped into both Rho Lambda and Order of Omega, honor societies which I was elected by my peers to also lead as Treasurer and Secretary, respectively. My goal in college was to meet as many people, do as many things as possible, and without Sigma Delta Tau, I would not have been able to accomplish half of what I did. Despite some of our differences, my sisters always accepted and were proud of me, while being some of the best ladies I’ve ever met. Check out their Tumblr, if you don’t believe me!



