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Greek Week PR

I have always been a science person – I majored in Biology and Psychology (minor in Chemistry) and originally planned on attending medical school. I was introduced to PR when my enthusiasm and eagerness to learn landed me a position as PR Co-Chair on the University of Miami’s Greek Week Executive Board. Greek Week is a huge deal for fraternities and sororities at UM, equivalent to Homecoming, so advertising and social media were absolutely crucial to the success of each event.

My responsibilities included updating the website, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, while my co-chair managed the graphic design since I had not yet taken any classes. The 4th picture that appears on the attached feed is of my co-chair (check him out at and myself! I will forever be grateful to Greek Week for first getting me interested in PR and forcing me to realize that skills in Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign are critical to success in that field. It honestly changed my life, and was the first sign that I should switch my focus in school from pre-med to PR.

I am proud to say that I was responsible for creating the very first Instagram account for this campus event, @umiamigreekweek. Check it out! (Keep in mind my posts are from December 31, 2014 through March 7, 2015, meaning I posted 50+ of the photos currently on the account, while my replacement posted 7. It’s actually a little sad, because I recall reaching 600+ followers while the account currently holds around 500 under its new management.)

Cannot get other user media. API shut down by Instagram. Sorry. Display only your media.

